NUMBER 1200 |
June 16, 2009 |
Poison Hemlock: A Growing Concern in Kentucky By JD Green |
Poison hemlock is known to be a native of Europe and was introduced into the United States as an ornamental in the 1800’s. Since that time this aggressive plant has been extremely successful in distributing itself throughout most of North America. It is now widespread throughout most counties in Kentucky. Although poison hemlock is often associated with areas that have moist soil conditions, it can also survive in dry sites. Description– Poison hemlock is classified as a biennial that reproduces only by seed. It is capable, however, of completing its lifecycle as a winter annual in Kentucky if it germinates early during the fall Toxicity-All classes of livestock are known to be affected by poison hemlock. Cattle, horses, and goats are considered to be the most susceptible domestic animals although other animals can be affected as well. Symptoms of poisoning can occur rapidly anywhere within 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the animal, quantity consumed, and other factors. Initial symptoms can include nervousness, trembling, muscular weakness and loss of coordination, dilation of pupils, coma, and eventually death from respiratory paralysis. Lethal doses for cattle are considered to be in the range of 0.2 to 0.5% of the animal’s body weight. Poison hemlock is also known to cause fetal deformation when pregnant animals consume the plant. Control-The principle control strategy for poison hemlock is to prevent seed production which can be a challenge since a fully mature plant is capable of producing 35,000 – 40,000 new seeds. It is too late to utilize herbicide control methods after plants have produced flowers. Therefore, mechanical control efforts (if feasible) such as mowing or cutting down individual plants should be initiated just before peak flower production to avoid or reduce the amount of new seed being produced. Make note of areas heavily infested with poison hemlock this spring and begin to look for emergence of new plants in the fall. During the late fall (November) or early spring (March) is the best time of year for herbicide treatment. In grass pastures and hayfields herbicide products containing 2,4-D can be effective when applied to young, actively growing plants in the rosette stage of growth. Spot treatments with products containing 2,4-D, triclopyr, or glyphosate can also be used depending on the location. |
Current Disease Status By Kenny Seebold |
Late Planted Soybeans Can Produce Late Season Insect Problems By Doug Johnson |
If you noticed Dr. Chad Lee’s comments on late planting in our Grain Blog ( he mentions two important factors that will affect the impact of corn earworm as well as general production. Certainly the late planting date is a major problem, but the second is lack of closure in the canopy. Dr. Lee’s comments were directed at seeding rates needed to obtain canopy closure and thus some important agronomic benefits (for example, weed suppression and light interception). In addition, an “open canopy” situation is also associated with more damage by corn earworm. Apparently, corn earworms have greater survival in open canopied fields. Additional, risk factors for corn earworm damage is the association of soybeans fields with maturing corn fields. When corn approaches maturing and begins to dry down, the plants become less attractive to female corn earworm moths looking for a place to lay their eggs. One can obtain some early warning of the presence of these pests by checking the UK-IPM web pages ( Corn earworm is one of the insects that we trap for at both Princeton and Lexington, KY. (Those of you in the southern tier of counties, especially the purchase area, may want to check the University of Tennessee traps at Jackson and Milan. The Kentucky graphics will illustrate to you the presence of the adult moths as indexed by these traps. Remember the moths are not your target; it is the caterpillars that do the damage. But the caterpillars will begin appearing sometime after the moth flight, depending upon temperature. Also, our graphics provide you with a view of what this years’ population size as compared to previous years, and a rolling five year average. You should be scouting from late bloom through maturity. Late planted fields, especially those in which a closed canopy did not develop, and are located near maturing corn fields are at greatest risk. Adults are buff to light green moths with a wingspan at rest of about 1/2". Eggs are white to pink, about 1/30" wide and laid singly. Larvae (worms) are very small to 1 1/2" in length when full grown. They are usually tan to pale green with several dark stripes down the back. However, color may be quite variable, with some individuals almost black. These insects feed almost exclusively on pods. They eat away the pod wall and completely consume the seed. If you are using a shake cloth in wide rows the threshold is greater than 2 worms per row foot. If you are using a sweep net in narrow rows the threshold is 9 worms per 25 sweeps on average. In both cases one should sample in at least five locations in each field and average the results.
Stink Bugs in Pepper and Tomato Fields By Ric Bessin |
Generally, stink bug numbers and their damage on various crops are expected to be up this year across the state. Damage was common early in the season on corn. The same species of stink bugs, the brown and green stink bugs, attack pepper and tomato fruit, with the brown being more difficult to control. Stink bug damage to tomatoes picked in the breaker stage is not readily discernable and may escape detection until the fruit are ripened. Adult stink bugs migrate from weedy areas into pepper fields, particularly when the weedy plants begin to decline. Continual weed management throughout the season around fields helps to reduce stink bug immigration into fields. In terms of insecticidal control, thiamethoxam (Actara), endosulfan (Thionex, Endosulfan) and the pyrethroid insecticides (Ambush, Asana, Baythroid, Pounce, Proaxis, Warrior) are the most effective insecticides registered for peppers against stink bugs, but they provide only fair to good control of stink bugs. When scouting peppers and tomatoes for stink bugs and their damage in order to make control decisions, keep in mind that the presence of fruit damage does not mean that stink bugs are necessarily still active.
By Patricia Lucas | |||||||||||||||||||||
NOTE: Trade names are used to simplify the information presented in this newsletter. No endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products that are not named.