Chinch bug Chinch bug


Chinch Bug

    These are small insects with sucking mouthparts that can move from small grain fields or grassy areas into popcorn fields. The small red and white or black and white bugs congregate under the lower leaf sheaths near the base of the stalk.


    Chinch bugs are sap feeders. The first sign of a severe infestation is a wilting or yellowing of plants, usually along the edge of the field. Sap removal can cause plants to be stunted.


    From seedling through the 4-leaf stage, an average of 10 bugs per plant can cause wilting or stunting; an average of 20 or more can kill plants.


    Asana XL, Capture, Lorsban, Mustang,or Sevin may be used for control. Application of a high gallonage (30 gpa) spray directed at the base of the plants is needed for control. See the product label for rates.