Seed Corn Maggot Seed Corn Maggot


Seed Corn Maggot



      The adult, a small grayish brown fly, is active early in the spring and lays small batches of eggs wherever there is a lot of organic material on the soil surface. The larval stages, or maggots, are scavengers that feed primarily on decaying plant matter. They will attack and destroy swollen seeds or germinating seedlings that they encounter. The life cycle from egg to adult takes about three weeks. There are several generations per year.


    Seedcorn maggots can be damaging to fields planted early, especially in cool, wet soils planted using reduced tillage practices. The maggots tunnel into seed, destroying the germ. A riddled seed is the common symptom. Damage is usually randomly scattered over the field and appears as skips in the stand.


    Seed treatments are recommended for fields that do not receive a soil insecticide at planting time. There is no rescue treatment.


Treatments for Seed Corn Maggots
Product Contents Use Rate
Agrox Premiere captan, diazinon, lindane, metalaxyl 2 oz/bu
Germate Plus vitavax, diazinon, lindane 1.5 oz per 42 lbs
Grain Guard Plus lindane, mancozeb 3 oz per bu
Kernel Guard captan, diazinon, lindane 2 oz per bu
Kernel Guard Supreme vitavax, permethrin 1.5 oz per 42 lbs
KickStart vitavax, diazinon, lindane 1.5 oz per 42 lbs
Lorsban 50 SL chlorpyrifos 2 oz per 100 lbs

For more information, see Entfact 309