‘Prairie Dusk’ |
‘Husker Red’ |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
red, pink, lavender, white |
10"- 36" |
late spring to mid-summer |
powdery mildew, slugs |
border, cut flowers |
seed, cuttings, division |
Performance - Penstemons are typically short lived perennials in
Comments - There are many penstemons available, both species and cultivars.
Varieties -
Penstemon barbatus - Common Bearded Tongue - 'Albus',
'Coccineus', 'Hyacinthus Mix', 'Skylight Mix'.
Penstemon digitalis - Smooth White Penstemon - 'Husker Red', from
'Alice Hindley', 'Evelyn', 'Firebird', 'Hidcote Pink', 'Prairie Dawn', 'Prairie
Dusk', 'Prairie Fire', 'Sour Grapes', 'Windsor Red'. ‘Prairie Dusk’
and ‘Purple Haze’ were nice plants but not perennial in trials at
the UK Horticulture Research Farm in 2001 and 2004.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white, pink, red, violet |
15"- 30" |
summer |
few |
bedding, border, containers |
seed, cuttings |
Performance - Star flower is a warm season plant that is an excellent
annual flower in
Comments - The newer, dwarf varieties are well suited to all garden uses.
Varieties - 'Butterfly' series, 'New Look' series, and ‘Star’ series.
Russian sage
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
silvery blue |
3 - 5 ft. |
summer |
few |
border |
cuttings, division |
Performance - Russian sage is a reliable and outstanding perennial in
Comments - Russian sage grows like a small shrub and can be rather
rank in appearance. Like ornamental grasses, the foliage and silvery stems can
add winter accent to the garden. During cold
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
pink, purple, blue, yellow, white, and red |
8"- 15" |
summer |
few |
borders, beds, containers |
seeds or cuttings |
Performance - Petunias are good to outstanding annual flowers in
Petunias come in many colors; ‘Ultra’ from Goldsmith Seeds |
Comments - Petunias have been a popular garden flower in
Varieties -
Multiflora - 'Carpet' series, 'Celebrity' series, 'Horizon' series,
'Primetime' series, 'Summertime Blues',
Grandiflora - 'Cloud' series, 'Daddy' series, 'Dreams' series, 'Eagle' series, 'Falcon' series, 'Frost' series, 'Hulahoop' series, 'Picotee' series, 'Prism' series, 'Storm' series, 'Supercascade' series, 'Supermagic' series, 'Titan' series, 'Ultra' series, 'Yellow Magic'
Double - 'Bonanza', 'Double Madness' series, 'Double Cascade' series, 'Pirouette' series, 'Sonata'
Spreading types from seed - 'Wave' series, 'Avalanche' series
Spreading types from cuttings - 'Cascadia' series, 'Supertunia' series, 'Surfinia' series
More information and photos are available in Hortfact 51.13 06 – Petunia.
Phlox divaricata - Woodland Phlox
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
blue |
12"- 15" |
spring |
few |
border, woodland garden |
seed, cuttings |
Performance - Woodland Phlox is a reliable perennial for partially
shaded gardens in
Varieties - 'Blue Dreams', 'Fuller's White', 'Twilight'.
Phlox drummondii - Annual Phlox
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white, pink, rose, blue, red |
12"- 15" |
summer |
few |
border |
seed |
Performance - Annual phlox is not common in
Varieties - '21st Century' series (seems to be more heat and drought tolerant), 'Chanal', 'Cecily Mix', 'Globe Mix', 'Palona' series, 'Petticoat Mix' (flowers are star-shaped), 'Garden Leader' series, 'Twinkles Mix' (flowers are star-shaped)
Annual phlox ‘Astoria Magenta’ |
Phlox maculata ‘Miss Lingard’ |
Phlox paniculata ‘David’ |
Phlox maculata - Wild Sweet William
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
pink |
24" |
early summer |
few |
border |
division, root cuttings |
Performance - Wild Sweet William is a reliable perennial in full sun
gardens in
Varieties - 'Magnificance'; 'Miss Lingard' and 'Natascha' have performed well in trials at the UK Horticulture Research Farm.
Phlox paniculata - Garden Phlox
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white, pink, blue, red |
2-6 ft. |
summer |
powdery mildew |
border, cut |
root cuttings, division |
Performance - Garden phlox is a common and reliable perennial in
Comments - Declining blooms should be removed to prevent reseeding. Cultivars that are allowed to reseed produce inferior plants that, because of their vigor, can literally "run" the desirable plants out of the garden. Many cultivars are fragrant.
Varieties - 'Amethyst', 'Bright Eyes', 'Charles H. Curtis', 'David', 'Elizabeth Arden', 'Eva Cullum', 'Franz Shubert', 'Orange Perfection', 'Robert Poore', 'Salmon Beauty', 'Spitfire', 'Starfire'.
Tall varieties ‘David’ and ‘Robert Poore’; dwarf varieties ‘Jill’, ‘Margie’ and ‘Nicky’ have done well in trials at the UK Horticulture Research Farm but they were quite susceptible to powdery mildew. The variegated variety ‘Becky Towe’ is beautiful but did not tolerate the full sun and somewhat dry conditions of the trials.
Results from a 4-year phlox evaluation at the |
Phlox subulata - Moss Pink, Creeping Phlox
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
blue, white, pink |
3-6" |
spring |
few |
border, rock garden, edging |
division |
Performance - Creeping phlox is a common and reliable landscape
perennial in
Comments - Although spectacular in spring, the plant is just an evergreen ground cover the rest of the year.
Varieties - Most creeping phlox plants in the state are simply sold by color, but there are cultivar names as well.
Obedience Plant ‘Pink Bouquet’ |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
pink, white |
24"-36" |
summer |
few |
border, cut flower |
division |
Performance - Obedience plant is a reliable perennial in
Comments - These plants are commonly available in garden centers across the state, but the plants can be problematic for some gardeners. The right location with more organic, acid soils is important to success with this plant.
Varieties - 'Alba', 'Pink Bouquet', 'Vivid'.
Water Lettuce
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
insignificant |
4"- 6" |
summer |
few |
water gardens, ponds |
division |
Performance - Water lettuce is a floating aquatic annual plant that is a
reliable performer in full sun to partial shade water gardens in
Comments - The waxy green rosette of leaves make the plants look like floating heads of lettuce.