Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white |
6-10" |
early spring |
few |
border, edging |
seed, cuttings |
Performance - Candytuft is a reliable, cool season perennial plant
grown in
Comments - Most of the cultivars are propagated by cuttings. This is a common perennial used for spring show in much the same way as creeping phlox. Unfortunately, they may look pretty ragged through the summer, so it is best to plant them among other garden flowers.
Varieties - 'Autumn Snow', 'Alexander's White', 'Purity', 'Snowflake'.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
all colors, including
bicolor, |
10"- 30" |
summer |
damping off and slugs |
shaded areas, planters and containers |
seed, cuttings |
Impatiens are reliable and very popular annuals for
I. balsamina - Balsam, Touch-Me-Not
Performance - Balsam is a traditional annual flower that was quite
common in
Varieties - 'Color Parade' mix, 'Tom Thumb' mix.
I. New Guinea Group -
Performance -
Varieties - from seed - '
from cuttings - 'Baby Bonita' series, 'Celebration' series (24 colors),
'Celebrette' series (16 colors), 'Electra' series, 'Harmony' series (30
colors), 'Lasting Impression' series (15 colors), 'Ovation' series (14 colors),
'Paradise' series (23 colors), 'Pretty Girl' series, 'Pure Beauty' series (15
colors), 'Pizzazz' series, 'Sunshine' series.
Impatiens wallerana - Impatiens, Sultana, Patient Lucy, Busy Lizzie
Performance - Impatiens are the most commonly sold garden flower in the state because they are so easy to grow. Additionally, they are probably the best annual flower for shady conditions in the landscape. They flower freely all summer as long as they get enough water. If plants don't seem to be growing well, just be sure to water more frequently and add some fertilizer and they will begin to grow rapidly again. Impatiens are susceptible to some root and stem diseases, that may remain in the soil. If this occurs, you will not be able to grow impatiens in that site again.
Varieties - 'Accent' series (26 colors), 'Dazzler' series (21 colors), 'Deco' series (8 colors), 'Infinity' series, 'Mosaic' series, 'ShowStopper' series (18 colors), 'Stardust' series, 'Super Elfin' series (22 colors), 'Swirl' series, 'Tempo' series (27 colors)
Double Impatiens - from seed - 'Carousel' series, 'Tutu' series,
'Victorian Rose'
from cuttings - 'Cameo' series, 'Fiesta' series (13 colors), 'Gem' series,
'Golden' series, 'Ice' series (variegated foliage), 'Rosebud' series, 'Tioga'
Impatiens at Bodger Seed Company |
Double impatiens at Pan American Seed Co. |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
brown, unimportant |
12"- 18" |
not important |
few |
masses in borders |
spring division |
Performance - Japanese blood grass is generally perennial in
Comments - This is one of the few grasses which produce red foliage.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
blue, pink or white |
8'-10' vine |
summer |
few |
screen or trellis, containers, borders |
seed, cuttings |
I. batatas - Sweet Potato
Performance - Ornamental sweet potatoes are vigorous spreading plants
that are grown as annuals in
Varieties - 'Blackie', 'Marguerite', 'Tricolor'.
Sweet Potato ‘Blackie’ |
Sweet Potato ‘Marguerite’ |
Sweet Potato ‘Tricolor’ |
Ipomea ‘Cameo Elegance’ at Takii Seed Company |
I. tricolor - Morning Glory, I. purpurea - Common Morning Glory
Performance - Morning glory grows best in full sun with well drained soil. If planted in fertile soil it will produce an abundance of foliage, but few flowers. Since it is a vine, it is best to plant many together, otherwise it will have a spindly appearance. It is called morning glory because the flowers only open in the morning and then close as the heat increases. This plant grows wild throughout many states and is considered a weed to many people. Plus, this plant has a number of weedy relatives. If propagated by seed, scarification is needed. This is done by scratching the seed coat so that it can take up water.
Varieties - 'Minibar Rose', 'Blue Silk', '
Iris cristata - Crested Iris
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
violet |
6" |
early to midspring |
slugs |
front of border, rock garden, woodland garden |
early fall division, seeds |
Performance - Crested iris is a reliable perennial in
Iris ensata - Japanese Iris, Sword Leaf Iris (also called
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
blue, purple, lavender |
18" - 24" |
early to midsummer |
thrips |
along water or moist garden sites |
division |
Performance - Japanese iris is a reliable and excellent perennial plant
Iris hybrids - Bearded Iris
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
numerous |
2' - 4' |
early summer |
iris borer, leaf spots |
perennial border |
division |
Performance -
Bearded irises are reliable, easy-to-grow perennial plants and the most
common iris grown in
Iris pallida - Sweet Iris, Orris Root
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
bluish purple |
3' |
late spring |
iris borer |
accent, border |
summer clump division |
Performance - Sweet Iris is not as popular as the other relatives, but it certainly is an easy plant to grow with little maintenance living many years without division or fertilization. A well drained soil and full sun are the only requirements to grow this plant. The dried rhizomes are sometimes used for the extraction of perfumes.
Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag, Yellow Iris
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow |
5' |
early summer |
few |
streams, ponds |
division, seed |
Performance - Yellow flag is a reliable perennial flower for
Siberian iris ‘White Swirl’ |
Iris sibirica - Siberian Iris
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white, blue, purple |
2' - 4' |
late spring |
few |
perennial border |
spring division |
Performance - Siberian iris is a reliable and under-used perennial
flower for