Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
no flowers |
12" |
evergreen |
few |
ground cover |
cuttings |
Performance - English ivy is a reliable perennial ground cover in
Comments - The roots of English ivy can do significant damage to brick, wood or vinyl siding. Be sure to keep the plants from climbing if you do not want damage to your house.
Varieties - 'Baltica', 'Hibernica', 'Thorndale'.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow, reddish brown or orange |
30"- 60" |
late summer |
powdery mildew |
back of border, island bed |
clump division, seed |
Performance - Sneezeweed is a reliable perennial for
Comments - This tall plant should be staked prior to flowering and cut back 1/3 after flowering. To reduce plant height, pinch the plant back 6 weeks prior to flowering. This will promote branching and possibly no staking. Clump division should be done every 2-3 years to avoid over crowding.
Varieties - 'Coppella', 'Brilliant', 'Crimson Beauty', 'Wyndley'
sunflower ‘Sunny Smile’ at Takii Seed Co.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
orange- yellow |
2' - 10' |
summer |
leaf spot, powdery mildew |
background |
seeds |
Helianthus annuus - Annual sunflower - Sunflower is an annual
which grows best in full sun in any type of soils. It is very heat
tolerant. The foliage is not attractive, so growers tend to keep
sunflowers for along fences or in vegetable gardens. The seeds are
edible and are very popular for birds. The flowers should not be harvested
until it has turned brown and dry.
Dwarf - 'Big Smile', 'Pacino', 'Sundance Kid', ‘Sunny Smile’,
'Teddy Bear'.
Intermediate - 'Chianti', 'Dorado', 'Elite Sun', 'Floristan', 'Lemon Flair',
'Moonshadow', 'Prado' series, 'Ring of Fire', 'Sonja', 'Starburst Aura'.
Tall - 'Claret', 'Full Sun', 'Soraya', 'Sun and Moon' series, 'Sundown',
'Sunrich' series.
More information and photos in HortFacts 51.11 06 – Sunflowers.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow, orange, red, salmon, white, purple |
12"- 24" |
summer |
stem rot |
cut flower, dried flower |
seeds, cuttings |
Performance - Strawflower is grown as an annual in
Comments - This is an excellent annual to grow for a cut or dried flower. When dried it holds its brilliant color very well. To use as a dry flower the flower must be cut just before the flower center opens. Strip the leaves from the stems and hang upside down in a dry, shaded place.
Varieties - 'Bikini' series, 'Chico' series, ‘Florabella’ series, 'King' series, 'Salsa' series, ‘Sundaze’ series. Strawflower is also called Bracteantha bracteatum.
‘Salsa’ |
‘Sundaze’ |
‘Florabella’ |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow |
3-4 ft. |
summer |
few |
border, cut |
seed |
Performance - Heliopsis is a reliable perennial in
Comments - The mound of double blooms produced by this plant can be very showy, and it flowers much of the summer. The plant is relatively coarse, so it is best in the back of the garden.
Varieties - 'Summer Sun', 'Loraine Sunshine'.
‘Summer Sun’ |
‘Loraine Sunshine’ |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
violet, purple, or white |
12"- 18" |
summer |
few |
accent plant, cut flower, container plant |
seeds, cuttings |
Performance - Heliotrope is grown as an annual in
Comments - It is a tender perennial treated as an annual in many regions. Its' wonderful fragrance and qualities of a cut flower are popular among many gardeners.