Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow, lavender, dark pink, white |
18"- 36" |
summer |
few |
border, cut flowers, wild flower gardens |
seeds, division |
Performance - Cone flowers are reliable perennials in
Comments - Plants may require 2 years to become established, especially when the seed is direct sown in the garden. The plants may self-sow and spread in the garden, but they are usually not invasive. Removal of old flowers promotes bloom production and prevents reseeding.
Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower - This plant blooms for an extended period in the garden. 'Bright Star' has brilliant rose flowers, and petals extend horizontally. 'Alba' or 'White Swan' has white flowers with bronzy orange, domed cones in the center. All are excellent cut flowers. ‘Bravado’, ‘Bright Star’, ‘Clio’, ‘Magnus’, ‘White Swan’.
Echinacea tennessensis - Purple Coneflower - This plant is on the
endangered species list and is considered rare but seed is now available
commercially. This is an excellent cone flower in
purpurea |
E. purpurea ‘White Swan’ |
tennessensis |
More information and photos in HortFacts 50.12 06 – Coneflowers, Black-eyed Susans.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
steel blue |
24"- 45" |
summer |
few |
border, cut, dried |
seed, division |
Performance - Globe thistle is a unique perennial that is generally
reliable in
Comments - Large, spiny leaves resemble a thistle, but these plants are not invasive like thistle. Any unwanted seedlings can be easily pulled from the garden. The flowers can be dried.
Varieties – 'Taplow Blue', 'Taplow Purple', 'Veitch's Blue'
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
light lavender |
6"- 15" |
summer |
few |
water gardens |
division |
Performance - Water hyacinth is a tropical floating plant that is an
easy to grow annual in
Comments - Water hyacinth has a terrible reputation as a weed in the
world's tropical rivers, but freezes easily in
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow |
12"- 18" |
early summer |
Few |
ground cover |
division, cuttings |
Performance - Barrenwort is an uncommon but excellent long-term
perennial ground cover for
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
brown |
8 - 12 ft. |
fall |
few |
background, specimen |
division |
Performance -
Erigeron ‘Stallone’ |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
violet blue with yellow center |
18"- 24" |
midsummer |
downy mildew, powdery mildew, aphids |
cut flowers, rock gardens |
division, cuttings and seed |
Performance - Fleabanes are a reliable perennial in
Comments - Pinch spent flowers to promote more blooms. Division should be done every 2-3 years to promote growth.
Varieties - 'Azure Beauty', 'Darkest of All', 'Loveliness', 'Sincerity'.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow |
6"- 24" |
spring, summer |
blight |
poor soil sites, edging, border |
division |
Performance - Spurges are unique plants that are generally reliable
perennials in
Comments - All spurges have a white, milky sap that irritates the skin, possibly severely. Gloves should be worn as a precaution. The flowers are born in a unique inflorescence (cyathium) terminally on the stem.
Euphorbia cyparissias -
Euphorbia epithymoides - Spurge - Prefers a poor, dry soil. Foliage turns crimson-red in the fall. This plant forms a brilliant yellow mound in early spring. 'Polychroma'
Euphorbia myrsinites - Myrtle Euphorbia, Donkeytail Spurge - This plant is grown for the trailing effect of the gray-green foliage which is practically evergreen.
Euphorbia polychroma- Cushion Euphorpia, Cushion Spurge - Cushion spurge grows best in full sun and well drained soil. It is a long lived plant and does not like frequent division. It is best to divide in the spring with care being taken to avoid damaging the roots.