Alcea rugosa – Russian Hollyhock |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
yellow, pink, lavender, red |
2' - 9' |
summer |
rust, spider mites, Japanese beetle |
border, specimen |
seed |
Performance - Hollyhock is a traditional perennial that has been
grown in
Comments - The brightly colored flowers look excellent in the back of a perennial border, along fences and walls and as a specimen plant.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
lavender, purple, white, yellow |
1 - 5' |
spring, late summer |
few |
border, cut flower, herb |
bulbs, division, seed |
Performance - Ornamental onions are excellent perennials in
Drumstick Allium |
Allium christophii - Large globe (umbel) of light lavender, star-like flowers on an 18 inch stem in late April.
Allium giganteum - Giant Allium - Large globe of lavender flowers on a 4' - 5' stem in early May.
Allium karataviense - Small globe of lavender flowers on a 6 inch stem in mid April that contrasts with the green foliage with a purple margin.
Allium moly - Small globe of yellow flowers on a 6 inch stem in May.
Allium sphaerocephalum - Drumstick Allium - Small, elongated globe of lavender flowers on a 30 inch stem in early June.
Allium tuberosum - Garlic Chives, Chinese Chives - Small globe of white flowers on 12 - 18 inch stems in August. The plants are very hardy and produce bloom at a time when most other perennials do not bloom. To control the spread of this plant, remove the declining blooms because it will self-sow each year and can be invasive. The foliage is edible and used for its mild garlic flavor.
christophii |
giganteum |
karataviense |
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
brown (not significant) |
1.5' - 5' |
summer |
root rot and stem borers |
background, specimen, cut flower |
seed |
Performance - Amaranthus is a warm season annual that is grown primarily for its brightly colored foliage. These plants grow best in full sun with average dry soil. Watering sparingly will deter root rot. This plant can become overwhelming in color, so planting site should be chosen carefully.
Comments - This is a cousin to pigweed, so it is drought and heat tolerant. If planted in soil that remains too wet, root rot is sure to become a problem. Often times they will need to be staked.
Amaranthus caudatus – Love-lies-bleeding - 'Red Tails',
Amaranthus cruentus – Red amaranth – ‘Golden Giant’
Amaranthus hypochondriacus – ‘Green Thumb’, ‘Pygmy Torch’
Amaranthus tricolor – Chinese spinach - 'Early Splendor', 'Scarlet Torch', 'Tricolor'
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
blue |
2' - 3' |
Spring |
few |
mass planting in borders |
seed, cuttings, divison |
Performance - Amsonia is an outstanding and reliable perennial flower
Comments - It has a slow growing habit, so division is seldom needed. Amsonia flowers for only 3 weeks in late spring, but is an outstanding plant for the garden; both species have been excellent in trials at the UK Horticulture Research Farm. Yellow to red fall color adds interest in the fall.
hubrectii – Blue Star – Blue star is an excellent perennial
garden flower in
‘Honorine Jobert’ at the
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
white, pink, violet |
3’-4’ |
late summer, fall |
few |
border, shade garden |
division, root cuttings, seed |
Performance - Japanese anemone is an outstanding perennial for shade
gardens in
Comments - These plants are often sold under the name Anemone japonica. Many of the cultivars available are probably hybrids.
Varieties - 'Lady Gilmour', 'Luise Uhink', 'September Charm', 'Margarette', 'Honorine Jobert'.
Flower Color |
Height |
Season |
Pests |
Uses |
Propagation |
purple, purple and white, white, pink |
18-30" |
summer |
few |
cut flower, border, containers |
seed, cuttings |
Performance – Angelonia
was introduced to the flower business in the late 1990s. Our initial
summer trials at the UK Arboretum were not too successful. The plants grew well
but few flowers were visible. Plants flowered well in containers when they
received more water and fertilizer. Plants are a spectacular cut flower when
grown in the greenhouse. New selections introduced from 2003 to 2006 are
excellent summer garden flowers in
Comments - Angelonias have unusually good life as cut flowers in a vase indoors. Cut flowers could last 15-20 days in a bright location indoors. The foliage and stems are covered with glandular hairs that give the plant a distinctive fragrance. These hairs make the stems and leaves uncomfortably sticky, but this has no effect on the plants.
Varieties - 'Purple', 'Blue Pacific', 'Alba', and 'Pink' are sold at various "unusual plant" retailers as unpatented plants. Ball FloraPlant introduced AngelMistTM White, Pink, Purple Stripe, Lavender, Deep Plum and Purple Angelonia in 1999 after removing cucumber mosaic virus from these varieties. Proven Winner’s ‘Angelface’ series has larger flowers. Ball FloraPlant introduced seed propagated ‘Serena’ Angelonia in 2005; these varieties had excellent performance in trials at the UK Horticulture Research Farm.