Theories of Media Effects



Strong/Weak Media Effects?



Political Implications

Hypodermic Model

Strong media; Vulnerable masses

Beliefs, values, behavior

Exaggerates effects

Propaganda is dangerous

Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory

Strong TV among heavy viewers

Beliefs, values, behavior

Exaggerates effects, association not causation

“Real” world is TV world

Minimal effects model

Weak media; Strong predispositions make for resistance and reinforcement

Attitude change

Narrow definitions of media effects, politics, media, and messages

Media’s impact limited to reinforcement

Political Information Processing

Mixed; both resistance and acceptance

All sorts of effects


Few attitudes are immutable; media and politicians matter (opinion leadership)

Attitude Change Thory (Hovland’s message learning model, updated with ELM)

Weak or strong, depends on source, message, audience,

Direct persuasion, Attitude change, other effects


Attitude change and media effects are conditional

Political Learning

Weak or strong, depends

Learning political knowledge and information


Political learning is conditional