
Political Science
Univ. of Kentucky




Mark Peffley
primary area of interest is the study of mass political behavior with a
focus on racial and ethnic politics and democratic support in the U.S. and abroad. I was recently the
inaugural Director of QIPSR, the
Quantitative Initiative for Policy and Social Research, and co-edited the journal, Political
Behavior. My research has been published in a variety of outlets and
funded by several agencies.
Areas of Specialization: Mass political behavior,
political psychology, racial attitudes and political tolerance.
Publications (see my Research Page)
Impact of Persistent Terrorism on Political Tolerance, Israel 1980-2011,"
(with Marc Hutchison and Michal Shamir), forthcoming in American
Political Science Review.
Justice in America: The Separate Realities of Blacks
and Whites,
(with Jon Hurwitz). Cambridge University Press, 2010. (2011 Winner, Robert E.
Lane Award for Best Book in Political Psychology, American Political Science
Association.) See the Washington Post feature
on what the book implies for Trayvon Martin’s death, George
Zimmerman’s acquittal, and the aftermath.
and Resistance: Race and the Death Penalty in America," (with Jon
Hurwitz). American Journal of Political Science, 2007.
the Great Racial Divide: Perceptions of Fairness in the U.S. Criminal Justice
System," (with Jon Hurwitz). Journal
of Politics, 2005.
"Playing the
Race Card in the Post Willie Horton Era: The Impact of Racialized Code Words
on Support for Punitive Crime Policy,"” (with Jon Hurwitz). Public Opinion Quarterly, 2005.
and Political Tolerance in Seventeen Countries: A Multi-level Model of
Democratic Learning,” (with Robert Rohrschneider). Political Research Quarterly, 56(3), 2003.
Previous Syllabi (Current Syllabi are on BlackBoard)
PS 473G -- Public
PS 681, American Political Behavior
PS 475G -- Politics and the Mass
PS 474G--Political
PS 711--009,
Public Opinion and Political Communication
PS 491--005,
Political and Racial Tolerance
PS 271-002-Political Behavior (Spring 2002)
Contact Info (please use email!)
1653 Patterson Office Tower
Phone 859 257-7033
Fax 859 257-7034