Semester Schedules
If you're in need or just interested, you can view my weekly schedule for the present semester here. Bear in mind that the specific appointments for any given week are not indicated.
However, if you're needing to schedule an appointment, or simply looking for me, this information may prove useful to you.
Just click on Semester Schedule if you want to see it. For students--particularly doctoral students--wishing to schedule committee meetings, you can also find my Friday schedule
for the semester with times already taken for specific Fridays. Click on Friday Schedule Fall or Friday Schedule Spring for this information.
The directions for securing a Friday time are available too. See Scheduling Directions
If you wish to reserve a weekend time to have material read, click on Weekend Reading Availability Schedule for this information.
The directions for securing a weekend reading time--as decided by the students--are also available. See General Guidelines for Reserving Reading Resource Time
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