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Here are some more or less useful bits of information. Some are of enduring relevance; others
rather transitory in importance. Some may lead you elsewhere. In which case, simply click on the link provided.
Summer Availability
As a rule I am not available for any committee work or independent study direction during summers.
When I'm still teaching--usually during the 4 Week Intersession--I will answer questions for and give support to anyone
who can find me. I DO NOT promise to be around at any specific time, other than when I teach. Under extreme circumstance
(when I have chosen to do something that will take me away from time I believe I owe as part of my responsibilities, e.g., sabbatical
leave) I may make an exception. Poor planning by others' doesn't consitute a good reason for my making an exception.
THE Scientist Practitioner Model
As a Psychology Program, the Counseling Psychology Program of the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology
Department at the University of Kentucky implements the scientist practitioner model in its training of students at all program
levels. What this statement does NOT mean, is that every student must become a researcher/statistician. What it does mean is that
we encourage students to develop a disciplined approach to addressing problems. To elucidate further, we expect students to learn
to check out their hypotheses--hunches, if you will or prefer--by observing and collecting information before acting. We expect
students to hold these hypotheses as tentative and modifiable based on further experience.
Most students who have come this far in their educations, follow this type of process anyway. If you wish to become a researcher,
thus engaging in this process in a more disciplined/specified/rigorous manner, we won't stand in your way. In fact, we'll probably
encourage you.
One last observation/comment--the reason for the "THE" in the title above. Contrary to popular belief by logical positivists,
THE SCIENCE does not exist. Many ways of knowing, which is what "science" means and supposedly is all about, exist and are viable. We just happen to use one,
predominantly, from the time we enter school. For more of a "rant" about this topic--and my personal bias--please feel free to visit
my manuscripts and read "Blinded by the Light." (Or go directly by clicking on the link provided.)
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