Two links are provided on the main homepage--to the University of Kentucky and to the College of Education. If you want to get to the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology directly you can click here. Listed below are some useful links to other places on the net. Each is accompanied by a brief description of what you may find helpful or intertesting at the site. Should you want to visit, simply click on the site name.

APA Division51: The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity.
For those interested in men's issues, SPSMM provides resources of both a professional and personal nature. We are a relatively small and intimate group--at least as compared to other divisions of APA.

HTML Goodies.
If you want to design your own web-page, this site is the place to go. From primers to advanced instruction, its all there. The examples really help.

Greeting Cards for all occasions.
A great selection of cards with music, action, and personal sentiments. Take the few minutes you need to make someone's day. You can have them sent on the date you want too.

Maps of all locations or between locations.
If you are going to a meeting and need to know where the place you're staying is relative to whatever, Mapquest can help you.

ASGPP stands for the Association for Sociometry, Group Psychotherapy, and Psychodrama.
For those interested in actions methods in therapy, teaching, and research, this site leads to some of the most interesting information and meetings that are never dull. Browse, you may get hooked.

The Santa Fe Institute is dedicated to exploring non-linear systems. They are primarily focused on the "hard sciences"--physics, biology, physiology. However, non-linear/non-independent systems are what human interactions are. From a Chaotician's perspective, SFI could be a very worthwhile site to explore.

Fulbright Awards are part of what the CIES does. Because of my interest in obtaining a Fulbright Award to Taiwan next year, I thought I would throw this site in. Maybe the reference will help others to secure a Fulbright.

Williams Matrix is a Supervision Structure. The matrix combines the dimensions of roles and foci for supervisery interaction.

Cube Perception is a visual stimulus for exploring the ability to see multiple perspectives and, when not able to, to learn to see them. It focuses on flexibility and ability in shifting frames of reference visually, but is also intended to examine the process of being willing to shift. It is designed to be employed in a specifically developed exercise, but can be used however anyone wishes to do so.

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